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  3. Introducing Planet VPN USA Lite for iOS!

Introducing Planet VPN USA Lite for iOS!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our Planet VPN USA Lite version exclusively for iOS users.
This version is specially designed for those who predominantly use American servers for work, studies, or entertainment purposes.

Planet VPN USA Lite for iOS is well-optimized for American servers to enhance your browsing experience.
You get to choose from 4 popular American locations absolutely for free with no limits set.

Your opinion is important to us, and we would love to hear your thoughts on the new Planet VPN USA Lite.
Please take a moment to download it from the App Store and share your feedback with us.
Your insights will help us continue improving and tailoring our services to meet your needs.

For more information and the latest versions of our applications for other devices, please visit our website
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